April is my favorite spring fishing month. Every species can be targeted rather easily this month. Early in the month, smallmouth bass will be the target species. The “ Horseshoe “ below Wilson Dam will begin to load up with spawning bass early in the month. The large flats below Wheeler Dam from the turbines North to the lock will provide the same action. Search for bass bedding in 4-9 feet of water in rock piles and gravel bars.
By mid - month crappie action will be hot in the Second Creek, Bear Creek, and Shoals Creek areas. Search for crappie early in the month along creek ledges, but moving into the shallows to spawn by the middle to end of the month. Target stumps, logs, and brush piles for the best action.
Catfish will start to fire up as the start to fatten up for the spawn next month. Numbers of eating size catfish will be easily obtained in the tailrace of both dams and also along bluff shorelines on Wilson in 20 to 40 feet of water. For the big boys try Hog, Cox, and Peach Islands. Fish ledges and search out timber in 30 to 50 feet of water.